Dynamic Credit
Slow prossessing, Have to wait hours on hold to talk to anyone

Business & Finance

They called me and told me that they could help me repair my credit just make the mimimun payments for one year and it would help my credit.

I have been waiting for four weeks for my cards.

I sat on the phone for 40 minutes for them to only disconnect me. It took 1.5 hours to finally talk to someone. Then she said they would remail my package to me. I asked if it was the card? No it is the paper work that has to be faxed back in.

I think I have been taken for the $249.

Franklin, Ohio

Company: Dynamic Credit
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: 901 W. SARAHA SUITE105
Phone: 8007049552
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Consumer Report

Dynamic Credit Services
Ripoff Thanks for being here to help

Credit Services scam rip-off Worldwide

Credit ripoff fraud scam USA

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Pinnacle Marketing Group Robbed me blind, took thousands of dollars from me

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Dynamic Credit Services introduced themselves as Bank of America, approved for credit card for $296 ripoff

Dynamic Credit Services

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Ripoff took food from my unborn baby's mouth

Dynamic Credit Services
Ripoff! They took 298.00 from my checking and I never received the credit card