Walt-Group Inc
SCAM Employee Contract Financial Manager position Depository, Corporate Finance, Brokerage Services

Business & Finance

Employment SCAM

Walt Group Inc. Contacted me via email after viewing my resume on careerbuilder.com offering me a position as a contracted financial manager. I accepted the job and uploaded their contract for this position, agreed and signed the contract and downloaded it to my task manager account on their website.

Approximately one week later I got my first "task" (Friday afternoon).instructions were to receive a lump sum of money wired to my bank account, withdraw the amount of money to wire to three different people and the necessary fees to wire two through Western Union, and the third through MoneyGram.included in the funds was my 8% commission on the total dollar amount less the wire fees. When I had completed the transactions I reported this my supervisor.

Three days later I am notified by my bank that they have put a red flag hold on my account after receiving notice about the funds wired into my account were fraudulent. I then contacted the telephone number I had for my supervisor whom was not in at the time and left a message with a gentleman whom took my name, telephone number, and the name of my bank then stated he would call me back. I never heard from anyone again. I proceeded to try to contact my supervisor or any one else to get some answers by calling all the numbers I could find and any and all email addresses. When I called the telephone #'s the line rang busy, after blocking my number I was able to get through to leave a message on their voice mail. Never got any reply from any of the email messages I sent.

Company: Walt-Group Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Hampton Bays
Address: 101 West Main St
Phone: 6318874720
Site: waltgroupinc.org
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