First Consumer National Bank, Credit Card Services the business that has ripped everybody off Hicksville New York

Business & Finance

I'm surprised to see that I am not the only person that has been taken advantage of. I too have been charged late fees, when I know the payment was made in a timely manner.

I recently got a loan and paid off my balance in full, I'd rather pay a lower interest rate than pay the ridiculously high interest rate they were charging me and the card was useless anyway.

I just received a new statement, with a balance for the finance charge on the amount I just paid IN FULL.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I am trying to keep my credit in good standing, so I guess I will have to pay this, but am not happy about it. I wish there was something we, the loyal consumer, could do about these A holes.

Company: Fcnb
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 5165768706
Site: www.fcnb.com
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