Ivory White

Business & Finance

Ivory White scam, fastest way to stop them contact local meda, 1 person cant do it, we all need to if you were scamed or know someone who has even if was today or 2 years ago spread the word no matter name of product scam is the same, and if you sent back used product you may have sent your DNA. Goverment is slow, media is fast lets beat them at their own game. Once this goes national, lawsuits will start!!!

Company: Ivory White
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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Ivory White, Boulder, Colorado
Ivory White I order a free trial on 08/13/09 this was received 08/15/09. Then on 08/21/09 they charged my bank account $190.18 six days after - I did not have the eight days to try this product. Refused shipment

Ivory White
I ordered the trial for ivory white, and allowedthem to take the money out that came to $3.87. I just checked my account today to see my balance and found it was reallyshort. I then saw IVORY WHITE too

Ivory White
This company sent me product I did not order and these underhanded theives stole from me

Ivory White BBB
Charge fee but didnt recieve product

Ivory White
Is A SCAM, IVORY WHITE took my money unauthorized and product doesn't work

Ivory White
Beware no refunds from Ivory White even if you don't receive it.internet

Ivory White
Never mind Ivory White... They are Black Toothed... With misleading promotions Golden Colorado

Ivory White
Ivory White rippoff... in doing a survey on line was prompted to make purchase of some product. So for $1.00 and shipping I thought what the H—l let me try. $78.41 was charged to my account

Ivory Brites

Ivory White
Lied about free trial of tooth whitener product and charged my credit card $78.41 then wouldn't refund money Internet