Lighthouse Capital Group
Anything to do with Kent Hodges Lender... HA! Nothing but a deadbeat alcholic BROKER

Business & Finance

The conversation starts off nice with Kent Hodges and your borrower on a conference call. He tells you who he is and what company he represents and how they are affiliated with a big time attorney named Harry Pavilack. Kent Hodges tells you to google this attorney for due diligence on Lighthouse and you get all these great hits on this guy, he owns a hard money company, he has closed big deals with big names. Then Kent goes on to say that through the years Harry has created partnerships with private individuals who have the money to lend. So they have the capability of closing under their name. All good stuff but... Harry pavilack has nothing to do with lighthouse capital group llc. Kent Hodges is the owner and he gives you some bs line about how Harry Pavilack has set up these different corporations for different deals. Then you get a LOI from Lighthouse Group, offering 100% LTV, with 10% you have to show and these great rates and a small due diligence fee ranging from 6 thousand to 19 thousand. This all sounds great, he drops a great name with a lot of credibility. ALL BS

Kent Hodges and Lighthouse group are nothing but mortgage brokers. They have no money to lend out and better yet, NO REAL CONNECTIONS to any private individuals. He is an alcoholic, convicted of a DUI and started working for Harry after he represented him in court. Kent has no private investors, and no real lenders. He charges due diligence for what? All due diligence was done by me, the package was made by me. For 8 months after due diligence was paid, it was one excuse after the next. Everyday we were told a commitment was on the way and everyday after was nothing but crap. He doesn't get to work till 11am and you can't get a hold of him after 3pm. He works in Harry Pavilacks office but under his own company. Harry may be a smart man, but old age has hit him big time and didn't realize the type of moron he is now employing in Kent Hodges. Stay far away from this guy and this company and also his boss Elizabeth (or so Kent claims to be his supervisor.)

Company: Lighthouse Capital Group
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Myrtle Beach
Address: 603 N. Kings Highway
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Lighthouse Capital Group
Kent Hodges Nothing but BS

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