World Market Systems -
I was suckered into this scam!

Business & Finance

I was STUPID enough to fall for this SCAM! What a pushover I WAS!!!
I have just sent them my request for a refund and sent a copy of the letter to my lawyer.
Let's wait and see what return I received from WMS!!! I asked them NOT to even try and call me!
Cross your fingers for me and hope that I am not so gullible in the future!!!
I sympathise with everyone else that's a "softy" like me and battle to say "NO"! But, I DO believe in KARMA!!! What u sow, so shall u reap!!!

Company: World Market Systems -
Country: USA
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World market systems
World market systems scamed me out of 6000 austrailian dollars

World Market Systems
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I purchased a programme from World Market System and I believe I'm a victim of a scam. I deserve a refund

World Market Systems
Remember to stay in the drivers seat and ask questions!

World Market Systems
Got suckered badly $4000 - I'm paying them to advertise themselves! Can't ask anyone to buy illegal scam

World Market Systems
Scam and cheating!

World Market Systems -
Aka A

World Market Systems
Fraud and cheating!

World MArket Systems
World Market Systems Total Rip-off, scam! Phoenix