Effectur, Inc
Kenneth johnson ordered by superior court judge to pay 100k

Business & Finance

I am a former employee of Effectur, Inc. This Company and it's President, Kenneth Johnson have been order to pay myself and 2 other former employee's in excess of $100K. The judgement was entered in Guilford County, NC Superior Court on 10/23/09.

At present, Effectur's doors have been closed. According to their own website, a bank foreclosed on the company. Until early this was a good company to work for. It seemed to be of high integrity, and truly working in the best interest of the client. I know that the clients I secured for this company were given prompt and excellent service and their IRS issues resolved.in early the company's focus changed. Kenneth Johnson's arrogance and greed, spurred on by Larry Rodriques (Director of Sales and Marketing), Tal Sneed, Group Manager (who, by the way is now President of his own tax rep firm called Tax Investigation Corporation) and others, turned a culture of integrity, honesty and pride into one of "sales at any cost". Many consultants like myself were terminated for "productivity". That was code for "refused to sell a bad deal".

Ultimately, the bad deals caught up to them, and Effectur is no more. They have farmed their cases out to a company call Lighthouse Taxes and Beckie Leone. Ms. Leone is an Enrolled Agent I assume didn't have the heart to screw all those clients.

Why does Effectur owe me money? They changed their payroll system in one of several attempts to screw the sales staff, and owed some of us commissions they wouldn't pay. A group of us, tried to resolve the dispute internally to no avail, and hired an attorney. 1 year ago, Kenneth Johnson could have paid what he owed; used the situation as a lesson learned and try to salvage his business for the bargain basement price of around $50K. Again, with arrogance and greed guiding him, he decided to file suit against us... Ridiculous. Long story short: his own attorney filed to be released as counsel for non-payment and his company owes ANOTHER whopping amount to someone they tried to screw.

If you were a client of this company, and didn't get what you paid for, good luck.

If you were an employee of this company bamboozled into staying through the "furlow", there's a reason you can't get COBRA. Check out your rights with the Labor Board or consult a good attorney.

If you are someone considering loaning Kenneth Johnson $1.00 for a newspaper... Consider a gift.

If you're a taxpayer in need of help with an IRS issue. Check out the company you're dealing with. Some are reputable. Most, are not!

Join my group on Face Book Effectur Owes Me Money together, maybe we can figure out how to actually get the money Effectur and Kenneth Johnson owe.

Company: Effectur, Inc
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Greensboro
Site: effectur.com
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Effectur Took Money & Delivered Nothing EXCEPT IRS Penalties & More Interest

Effectur INC, Ken Johnson, Wally Wallace
Tax Consultants Ripoff false promises shady contract. Ripoff beware

I hired Effectur to help resolve taxes due the IRS. Once the hefty fee was fully paid, all work stopped, and for months calls/emails were not returned. The CEO now admits clients were "ripped off."

Did not repersent me with the IRS but took money from my bank account of 2111.50

Effectur Inc
Rip-Off Tax company

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Inc Tax relief rip off company Greensboro North Carolina

Effectur, Inc
Ripped me off. Took my money but did not finish their part of our agrfeement that they will represent me in my dealings with the IRS

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24hour Cash Flow Traffic Designs when asked for help no one did

Effectur, Inc
Took my money and ran!