Deducting 19.00dollars from my account for proccessing fees twice and never heard about my loan

Business & Finance

I have had my bank account debted twice for the amount of $19.00. The fees are for proccessing for a payday loan. I never heard from them again, and the email that was posted to check on the status does not exsist.

Company: 200CASH.com
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 110 w ninth street wilmington de
Site: 200cash.com
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200 Cash.com - 200cash.com
Steals fees from your account and your never get the loan

200 Cash - 200cash.com
Never ever go here

Pay day loan scam

I applied for a payday loan, never heard anything back, they took money out of my account, and sold my information

200cash.com - Anderson_payday_loans
Took money from 2 accounts after 1 application filed, now trying to take more money DBA as Anderson_payday_loans. Watch out

Payday loans

I applied for a payday loan. They withdrew $19.00 as a memebership fee and I heard nothing ever. Wilmington Delaware

Unauthorized money withdrawal from bank account. Los Angeles California

This company charged me 19.00 application fee and says they are taking 260.00 on 1-14, but I didnt receive the loan, got charged an over-draft fee and really messed up my account. I called

Also Afillated With A Company Known As Jackson-cash.com ripped me off, debited my bank account for a applacation fee of 19.95, with a promise to give me a loan. I have not heard from them since