Liberty Financial
Broken Dreams ripped off and scammed

Business & Finance

If something sounds to good to be true, it is!!! They got me for $25.00, it may not sound like much to you, but it was a whole lot to me, since I live on a fixed income.

This company promised to refer my application to a company that could help me with the type of personal loan I needed within 3-7 business days and if they could not they would refund my money by 200%.

That should have been a light bulb, but it wasn't I really thought they were legitamate, I'm glad I know differently now, heres a message to the illegal crooks "You got me this time, but you want again, your day is coming sooner than you think". Readers be ware remember if it sounds too good to be true it is.

"Country Fool"

Company: Liberty Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: Riverside
Address: 8920 Limonite Ave., Suite 319
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