Job Crusher
False charges

Business & Finance

CAUTION examine your charge card for fake expenses from Work Crusher. Never heard about the corporation or its solutions. Was billed $830 within the first month and two costs of $29.95 and $67.00 every month afterwards. Fortunately AmEx is arguing and crediting for over $1500.

Knowing just how to quit this 'organization' please move forward.

Company: Job Crusher
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
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Job Crusher
False billing

The Commission Crusher System
No response after I paid

Social Paradigm Inc/Commission Crusher
Commission Crusher Another internet scam/ripoff BIG UPSELL after initial payment

Commission CRusher x (Steve Iser)
Consumer Report

Commission CRusher x (Steve Iser)
Consumer Report

Commission CRusher X (Steve Iser)
Consumer Report

Commission CRusher X (Steve Iser)
Consumer Report

The Commission Crusher System
Scam for making money

The Commission Crusher System
Scam for Making Money

Commission Crusher
Steve iser will not refund my money... After repeated request... Scam!