International Award Advisors
Sweepstakes scam

Business & Finance

Maryse Wasmanski 1919 Lynnbrook Drive, Sw Huntsville Alabama 35803 Phone 256 881 6472

I got a cash payout notification and sent in a $20.00 processing fee by check. (I was dumb but with my life problems right now I thought maybe god was looking down on me.) My judgement was telling me not to but I was just so hopeful. I was told I definitely won. Now I get another cash payout notification where I could win up to $3,178, 000. Apparently I have not already won. Now they want another $20.00. Now they are saying I am just eligible. If I sent them another $20.00 that would be another $20.00 I am out. Stupid once but not twice. However, I feel really ripped off. How many more processing fees would they ask me for? Even if they eventually paid something out, how much would they have collected by victimizing people like myself? Why would they need to charge me processing fees in the first place? If they need a processing fee, they could take it out of my winnings or charge the other sweepstakes companies.

Company: International Award Advisors
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Huntington Station
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International Award Advisors
I.I.A. This company sent me a false statement of Award. They state I have won 2,500, 000 dollars and all I have to do is send them a $20.00 check or money order to recieve my award. This is a scam

Award Notification Commission & Opportunities Unlimited Publication
Consumer Report

Endura Processing Center

DynCorp International LLC, Dyn Corp Power Inc) (DynCorp Power Financial)
DynCorp International LLC, Dyn Corp Power Inc, DynCorp Power Financial I received a check in the mail $2960.00 for winning $75000.00 need to send a Fee to them to cover the processing fees

International Award Advisors
Award Account Notification

International Award Advisors
This company sent a notification saying i won 2.5 million dollars but i had to send $20.00 for processing fees

IAA International Award Advisors
Carol Walker, corporate compliance officer Award Account Notification. You are the recipient of $2,500, 000.00 which has been confirmed. Send $20.00 for processing fees

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services - S.I.R.S. - Consumer Award Advisory Service - C.A.A.S
Ripoff, first class mail, indicates you won 525,439, send 21.95 for processing

IAA International Award Advisors
IAA Already sent $60 to claim my $3,178, 000.00, Now they want $40 more

Sweepstakes Advisor
Rip-off! Sweepstakes advisor, emerson publishing wants $5.00 for processing!