Kenworth Lending Group

Business & Finance

I was almost taken in by this scam. I sent out a search for a personal loan from a reputable site and these jokers called me two days later saying I was already approved. Recieved their contract via fax, signed it and sent them a copy of my driv licence and a copy of a cancelled check (so they could direct deposit into my account). Next day i spoke to them they wanted me to sent 3 months advance payment (which meant i would not need to pay on the loan for three months - great hook isn't it) in advance via Western Union to a woman in Canada.

Luckily, I wasn't desperate for the loan. I already had one through Lending Club, but was hoping to pay it off for a lower interest rate. So when they wanted the money to go to Canada, i thought, WHAT? So I did some investigating and found all the info that others have talked about here. First the complaints, then that they are not listed with anyone in NY as doing banking or any type business and they do not have offices at the address on their contract.

I hate to be the Grim Reaper, but anyone who sent them money, is not getting their money back. Possible by Oct 1 they will have changed their name and started fishing again for the trusting and the desperate - which could be why they gave so many of you the date of Oct 1. Or they may push their luck til the end of the year.

If your credit is ok, you might try for a loan. My interest rate is a bit high (12%) but I received a loan from them within about 7 days without any type hassles. What you do is first allow them to run a credit check then they offer the terms should you be "funded." The funding part is (for me) nerve racking. You submitted a detailed description of why you want the loan and why you are good risk. You do this because it really is a lending club and members fund you. My $15,000 loan has about 40 lenders who paid part of it. You should be sincere and honest. I had a great credit score, but run my own business which is mostly done in cash so my IRS filings were low which is why I couldn't get a traditional loan.

I'm not here to blow lending clubs horn. It's just an alternative for those of you still looking.

If anyone here hears of anyone from Kenworth being arrested. PLEASE contact me. I have all the paperwork they sent me and the name and Canadian Info for the (probably fake name) woman who was going to pick up the money. I would love to see these guys burned. I was very close to sending then almost $1600 of my very hard earned money. I could cry for all of you who lost just by being trusting.

Company: Kenworth Lending Group
Country: USA
State: New York
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