Pressler & Pressler / Pallisades Collection LLC
Pressler & Pressler - Pallisades Collection but a freeze on my old bank account kept sending me "letters" to my old address AFTER i told them my new address put a freeze on my bank account with my last $500 right before going on vacation., Nationwide

Business & Finance

Crooks behind a big name
it was my last day at work before taking 2 weeks off last summer 2008. I go to my banks atm to take out my rent money and its telling me i have no available funds. But how can this be i just got paid. I go online to my banks site (bank of america) and find out Pressler & pressler (at the time known as Palisades) has put a lien on my account.
I was very upset because i live paycheck to paycheck and now i had no money what so ever. How were they able to actually put a lien on my account? How did they even get my account information? I was scared i didnt know what to do. So i called them and asked them please let me do a payment plan you're taking the only money i have left and i have to pay rent. Do you know what they told me? Find a friend to loan you the rent money im sorry but we have to take the money you have available. Theres nothing we can do.
I cried to them, pleaded, begged them please don't do this i'm off work for 2 weeks and i dont get paid those 2 weeks i will have no money please again lets work out a payment plan. No. I was scared i didnt know what to do so i gave in. I had to go to my bank to sign a release paper (which i kept a copy of) stating that i am allowing them to take all my money and fax it to pressler & pressler.
Since then i have closed my account with bank of america. This lien was due to money i owed AT&T over 7 years ago. Even after talking to them on the phone and stating that i have moved and gave them my new address they were still sending paper work to my old address (my grandmothers home). After a year this incident happened they started calling me and harrassing me again this summer 2009. Wasn't the last $500 in my account and my rent money enough for them? Now when i see a number i dont recognize i dont pick up and after they leave a message i find out its "them".
A few months ago i remember a news station (i believe it was fox 5 ny) did a report on them. This is when i started to realize this debt collector was not in their right mind. Then i started doing some research on them and im finding out all this information on this company.
I wish i would've known this last year when they took my money. I would've fought them with everyone else who's getting harrassed by them. Even now that i know my rights im still confused. I would like to sit down with someone who knows the legal system and help me out but i dont have the money to hire anyone. Any free advice or help would be great. I'm afraid they are going to try to take my money again and i can't have that happen.
Someone really needs to put a stop to this, because what they are doing to hard working americans who are just gettig by is wrong, just plain wrong!

Company: Pressler & Pressler / Pallisades Collection LLC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New york
Address: 305 broadway
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