Ocwen Federal Bank Blacklisting Honest Employees

Business & Finance

Ok lets forget for a moment the allegations of corruption such as employees using tax payer money from the VA to repair homes and then purchasing those homes for themselves at huge discounts. Lets forget about the alleged kickbacks that some of the asset managers and employees of Ocwen were receiving in return for handing out listings. Lets forget about the alleged bogus repairs that contractors where paid for. Lets just put all that aside for a moment and talk about the BS Michael Moreland put all the VA asset managers through. But before I do that I want to make one more comment on the alleged corruption part. If you think I am making this stuff up simply follow the paper trail through public records on the Ocwen asset located at 3227 Saint Lucie Drive S. Casselberry FL from Augus of 2004 through February which was purchased by a Mr. Piana who at the time not only worked for Ocwen as an asset manager during this period but this asset was in his portfolio. Can you fog up a mirror? Thousands of taxpayer dollars were spent fixing up this property on a golf course prior to it being purchased by Mr. Piana. It is also alleged higher bids from the general public were ignored.

Now for a small sample of what we had to endure under Michael Moreland's Management. First we were instructed to put thousands of assets on the market as fast as we could without regard for their condition. We did this for approximately 6 months when suddenly Michael Moreland began reprimanding the asset managers for following orders and putting properties with no repairs on the market. We are talking about homes with lead based paint, asbestos, mold, wood rot, unsecured pools and so on. Keep in mind when we were told to put these properties on the market there was no repair policy and were doing as we were told. The scolding went on for weeks and of course all the asset managers kept their mouth shut and sucked it up because we did not want to loose our jobs.

Then the repair policy was finally implemented which opened up another Pandora's box. I began having agents authorizing and making repairs without my knowledge when they were clearly told the proper policies regarding repairs was to allow the asset managers to have 3 repair bids from 3 different contractors prior to any repairs being authorized and completed. I and other asset managers had numerous agents making unauthorized repairs even after we told them this is not proper procedure and you run the risk of not being reimursed for these repairs. So what would the agents do? They called Michael Moreland and complained who in turn reprimanded me/us for doing my/our jobs. We were told we were being to hard on the agents when I/we told the agents by not following proper procedure we cannot guarantee VA will reimburse them for the repairs. I have no doubt many of those repairs were bogus since I/we was never given the opportunity to gather bids, never saw any before repair pictures and did not know about the repairs until they were done.

It was not long before we had agents calling us complaining they were not being reimbursed for expenses they incurred while securing, winterizing, cleaning and sometimes repairing the homes. It was very difficult to get my job done because I was constantly fielding complaints from agents about expense reimbursements they had been waiting on for months. One agent told me it had driven him to file bankruptcy.

Then there was the broker/agent who would not respond to my request for feedback on the activity and repairs of an asset he was assigned to list and sell. After being ignored numerous times for several weeks I told the agent if he did not cooperate with me I was going to request the asset be taken away from him. So what does he do? He complains to Michael More who in turn reprimands me and tells me to leave the agent alone and let him do his job. Being a good soldier I no longer threatened to take the listing away from the agent and I gave him several months before I requested another status report. I was ignored again until I decided against Michael Moreland's wishes to have an agent from another real estate company swing by this asset and see if he could give me a status report. When the new agent arrived at the property the asset was in complete disrepair, falling apart, broken windows, had never been secured, cleaned, winterized and appeared to have never been stepped foot in by the listing agent whom I had reported several times for non compliance. This was the last straw for me and I decided to leave Ocwen.

Shortly after leaving Ocwen I began getting anonymous phone calls from individuals asking to speak to RAT then hanging up. This was a clear attempt to intimidate me, scare my family and make me keep my mouth shut regarding anything I might know about corruption. Now remember this is a company hired by our Department of Veterans Affairs and the US Government.

I and many other good honest patriotic asset managers have been blacklisted from the industry and have had difficulty obtaining any employment because Ocwen has either been giving bad references or no references at all. I can only speak for myself but the companies I have been blacklisted from made it very clear they had been in contact with Ocwen and I have no doubt I had been given a bad reference. Lets face it, how many job interview do you go on where the interviewer makes you drive 8 hours for a face to face interview, insults you during the interview and then never even bothers to call you later to let you know you did not get the job. Not only that but the interviewers made reference to things only Ocwen management would know.

I and my family have suffered a great deal for standing up for the American people and doing the right thing. I never imagined that I would suffer from the hands of corporate and government terrorist right here in my own Country.

Even knowing the price I have paid I would do it all over again. As for those who blacklist good honest hard working people I would say this, I would not want to work for someone who is dishonest enough and corrupt enough to do dirty work for the likes of Michael Moreland and Ocwen Federal Bank.

As for our Presidents past and present, VA, Congress and Our Justice System if you are serious about cleaning up our Great Country and protecting its citizens then for God Sakes do something about this monster you have created.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
Site: www.ocwen.com
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