U.S. Debt Relief, Inc
Usdebtrelief.org bogus contract clause steals money, dont sign with them Ashville

Business & Finance

Upon foreseeing a financial struggle coming i inquired to get credit cards settled by the use of US debt relief, inc. I was actually current on all credits cards but facing a lay-off soon, they told me to stop paying the credit cards and let them go delinquent. Yes thats right, i was to make it look like i couldn't pay. I had started to pay them to build up the settlement needed, i payed 2 payments totaling 1450.00. After i saw the govern is investigating debt settling companies for scamming people, and after i saw my normal credit score would be trashed for 2 years or better by using USdebtrelief i Immediately sought to end my business with themhowever they told me that will keep my 1450.00 dollars as a fee. WHAT FOR? They did not do anything except take it out of my account, they did not represent me and they did not even have my creditors information to start negotiating. Yet they refuse a refund, i have received nothing from them. No service, except attidude. And you can never call and talk to someone, they always call you back. But if your me and trying to get your money that was scammed they will not return the call. I am currently looking for a lawyer to get my money back

Company: U.S. Debt Relief, Inc
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Ashville
Phone: 800481592
Site: usdebtrelief.org
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Debt Relief International LLC
Debt Relief International the only relief you get is your money to their wallet

Debt Relief USA
Took over a thousand dollars for themselves - never helped me one bit

Debt Relief USA

US Debt Relief
Financial Litigation Law Group take advantage of people in financial trouble, a scam and a fraud, steal your money, take payments & keep the money, don't pay creditors, disregard the contract with you, lie cheat & steal to get you

Debt ReliefUSA
Debt Relief USA is a SCAM, RIP OFF, and total FRAUD!

Debt Relief USA, Inc
Debt Relief USA, Inc will take your money if you cancel svc - and will not provide any service as promised. They kept the 10% of total debt fee ($770)!

Debt Settlement USA
Debt Settlement USA is a scam and can not operate out of NY! I learned that $4,000 later!

Debt Relief USA
Big Rip Off-Just Steals Your Money

Debt Settlement USA
Negotiates debt settlements with creditors

Debt Relief Usa
This company sugar coated everything right from the start! Now they are trying to be invisible!