Slim Seduction
Charge with out concent

Business & Finance

Our charge card was billed $83.96 without having my concent I never registered for almost any free trial offer or something and not received something out of this organization jsut discovered it on my statement I'll be calling them to get a imediate refund.

Company: Slim Seduction
Country: USA
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GNS Slim Seduction
Took $49.95 from me

GNS - Slim Seduction
Slim Seduction Ripoff muskegon, Michigan

Slim Seduction

Slim Seduction
Scammers and Stealers what more can I say?

GNS, Inc., Global Nutrition Sciences, Slim Seduction
GNS, Inc. Global Nutrition Sciences, Slim Seduction Charging credit card without permission, they don't take responsibility for their actions! Close this company down, they are ripping people off!

GNS, Inc./slim seduction
Unauthorized charges

Slim seduction - slim seductiona and lipo

Slim Seduction Charged full price when told only pay shipping

Slim seduction masters of deceit!'free' trial cost more than you bargained for!

GNS - Slim Seduction
Said i was a "club member", billed me and set me up for autoship without me doing a thing