Aspen Dental
Rip off

Business & Finance

This company will make promises to make you smile, But they will do nothing but overcharge you and do shabby work by unprofessionals, under qualified people. Good luck trying to get your money back for work not completed. They finance you thru GE money bank and never offer refunds. This company ripped me off for over $5,000 and has ruined my credit because I refuse to pay the balance. They never did the work and what they tried to do was so sudstandard and poor quality I Did not accept it. Talking to the Home office also gets you now were. I went to a real dental office and when they saw the fit and poor qualiy they were in dis belief a professional could have messed up as bad as ASPEN DENTAL did. I have pictures if anyone want to see shabby work. Not even good enough for a dog. RIP OFFs is all I can say.

Company: Aspen Dental
Country: USA
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