Amerisave Mortgage, Anthony McCallahan
Misleading, delay, curt, impatient, rude, unreliable, unreachable, unresponsive

Business & Finance

Just to clarify, this is related to a new loan, not a refinancing.

We decided to give Amerisave a shot because they were an upfront and supposedly easy-to-use lender. At first it did seem easy... Our rep Anthony McCallahan was nice and attentive. We were asked to provide 2 months worth of financial docs to get pre-approval. We were told the pre-approval would be done in a couple of days. That was the end of June '09. Tomorrow it will be August '09, and Amerisave has disappeared.

We got various nonsensical explanations for what was going on from Anthony. He explained that we were actually being processed for the full loan approval, not just a pre-approval. Kind of odd, since there wasn't a home to be bought yet. He told us the processor needed more docs. He told us the processor was waiting for a new credit report. None of it really made sense, since we were just after a pre-approval.

Some time after the first week, Anthony started exhibiting snippy and curt behavior. My wife has more details on this, having gotten into an argument with him on the phone after she called him out on his poor attitude.

Once we started having delays and problems, I started to do research on Amerisave. I wish I had done this beforehand... They are obviously a poorly run company, if half of what I read on and other places is true.

Based on what I've learned about how the company operates, it doesn't surprise me that Anthony exhibited some poor service behavior. Turns out the person in Anthony's role has a very limited role in the process. Once he gets our docs from us and to the processors, he has nothing to do with the client and no power of influence over those farther down the essence, clients have no rep, no sales or service person to manage their affairs until the keys are in their hand, so to speak.

Odd way to operate... No checks, no balances... No one to ask 'hey, where is that Smith file?'. The exact opposite of a good service the end, customers have no idea what's going on and no one to talk to about it. No one to advocate for them.

Amerisave actually has a separate customer service department. Our last contact with Amerisave was to request, from this department, that a different rep be assigned to our file. Nothing. Not an email, not a call, nothing. That was close to 3 weeks ago.

A couple of weeks ago we decided to go elsewhere. We got pre-approved by a local lender in 2 days, and the rep will work with us and our real estate agent until the keys are in our hands. I'm guessing that's the way it should be.

Company: Amerisave Mortgage, Anthony McCallahan
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
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