Leonardo Garcinuno
He acted like he was my friend to gain time to use my money

Business & Finance

I want to congratulate Leonardo Garcinuno for his performance, he should be an actor. He acted like he was my friend, and used the idea of friendship as a tool to
manipulate me, concealing his real intentions that were intended to gain time to use my money for his own benefit.

I lent him money for his Company Pluribus Biofuels Global, Inc.in the amount of $55,000.00 (money that I borrowed from my House Equity). He told me that I was going to be partner in his company and promised a varying percentage of the profits which was never specified (changing the rules and lying is his constant pattern of behavior). He said he needed the money for the purpose of buying two centrifuges that were vital tools for the development of the promised Biofuel production of his Company.

Nothing could be further from the truth, he used part of the money to pay his old debts (ex investor which he undoubtedly ripped off) and part of the money was spent on obtaining the titles of 2 vehicles that were put under his name plus another one that he put under the name of his Company.

On top of that he use my money to live the life style of a rich guy expending more that $1,000.00 monthly in supermarkets like Publix and Whole Food, breakfasts at Croissant Time with bills starting at $69.00, plus the care of his pets in Veterinarian bills as much as $360.00.

When I confronted him about my money he said that it was my entire fault that I lost it because I was not present when he was spending it on personal expenses. Basically he was saying to me that if you were stupid enough to lent me the money and not keep an eye on me, then it is your fault.

The Company vanished for lack of capital, capital that was taken by him in breech of trust, and because he never got around to actually producing bio diesel, with no income it was only a matter of time before the whole thing went under.

Leo Garcinuno played his cards till now, but from now on forward is time that I play mine.

I think people with Loenardo Garcinuno's profile are contaminating our society and giving the Argentinean community a really bad name.

I think that he has to leave this Country as soon as possible or be prevented from defrauding future investors or interested parties.

I would be very glad to talk with any person that needs information about him and his wife Joysiana.

I have proof of all charges made by me (I CAN SHOW BANK STATEMENTS). My phone is 1-754-422-1852 and my name is Horacio Caravello.

Company: Leonardo Garcinuno
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 1121 Citrus Isle
Phone: 9548732286
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