Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Most rediculous run around with no action since Feb 09 have been dealing withthe mitigation dept with nothing but a run around

Business & Finance

This is actually the most rediculous run-around I've previously experienced. No body there understands what's happening. I've experienced laon mitigation evaluation since Feb. O9 andhave not got past rectangular onewith them. Only the run-around plus they obtain exactly the same paperwork again and again, you are able to never talk to the exact same individual you've togo over your circumstances over each time you contact.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
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Wells Fargo Home Mortgage / Loss Mitigation Dept
Loss Mitigation/Modifications Incompetent AND Liars

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage / Loss Mitigation
Anonymous909 I talked to a different individual every time I called

Wells Fargo Loss Mitigation

Wells Fargo ASC
Put me in Loss Mitigation without any documentation

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Mortgage Deceptive practices of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Mortgage Mitigation Department

Wells Fargo Bank/Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Home Loans

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Loan Modification

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Unprofessional and incompetent!

Wells Fargo Mortgage