Ocwen FSB
Ripoff I am at my wits end with them. Where can I go from Here?

Business & Finance

After spending another frustrating day trying to contact ocwen about my mortgage, I decided to look for them on the internet.

Well you have no idea how happy I was to find this Web site. I thought I was the only one being driven crazy by this "Evil" banking institution. After reading some of the horror stories on this site I feel better. My experience is equally disgusting. Phone calls to idiots working at the call center, telling me conflicting stories
about my account always being told everything is in good standing but getting a letter the next day warning of a forclosure.

This has been going on for 2 years when they made a mistake changing the date of my payments.in essense puting me behind but not telling me about it.
It's very complicated however I have never been late according to the people I would make my payments with. As everyone who deals with Owen knows they constantly harrass you for payments starting on the 2nd or 3rd of the new month.

I'm going to try to shorten this by saying after borrowing over $2000 to catch up and being told they would contact the credit Bureau to clear up what they did to my credit. They started reporting me late when I tried to refinance. The Supervisor who gave me her DIRECT line does not return my calls. (About 20 calls in one week). I am at my wits end with them. Where can I go from Here?

If there is a class action suit I would happily join it.

Company: Ocwen FSB
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Dr
Phone: 8004462936
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