Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

I agreed to do a trial of the product which was suppose to be free except for a s&h fee of $4.95 which I was charged. I just checked my account and there is an additional charge of $69.95 which I did not authorize.

Company: Dri*Reg.net
Country: USA
Site: reg.net
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Nature's Acai
Unauthorized charges

Hoodiaphen.com - nexgenlabsusa.com
Nexgenlabsusa.com Domains By Proxy Misleading unauthorized charges to my checking account 3

Unauthorized charge

Colon Cure, Green Tea, Nubodi
Colon Cure, Green Tea, NuBodi Unauthorized Charges! Deceptive Practices! Internet Fraud!

MBM&F - Acaiaslim This company charged me 79.95 on a product that was suppose to be 4.99

Wu-Yi Tea
Unauthorized Charges

FWM Laboratories
Unauthorized charges

SFL Nutrition, LLC
ACAI BERRY FREE TRIAL OFFER except for shipping and handling. Account again billed later

Luminous Brites
Unauthorized charge

Boulder Nature Lab
Unauthorized charge to my account for further CortiBan Ultra after authorizing $4.95 for free trial Ripoff Longmont Colorado