Account Now Prepaid Debit Card
Do not get this debit card or the nightmare will not end-frozen account san rafael california

Business & Finance

I totally agree - 100% about the ongoing problems with Account Now. I recommended this company to my family (big mistake) and now they are no longer speaking to me... The recommendation went fine, but as soon as a simple mailing address was attempted, they froze the account with the funds still in it. They are a nightmare to deal with. The biggest part of the problem is that you set up your account solely online-no id required and very few verification questions answered, so if you make any kind of mistake such a typo or have an address update, watch out! You can't update your info online like a regular bank (ie: Chase, Bank of America, etc) although you set it up entirely online. They make you call in and then the nightmare really gets going. My family have been trying to change the address (street address used was for delivery only and card was sent to friend's house) to the correct mailing address for over 2.5 months and the account remains frozen with funds received but not available. Finally got fed up & told them to close the account and they won't do it. Account remains at a standstill and I wouldn't wish this situation on anybody! Also, there appears to be a certain amount of racial profiling going on here which is making the situation worse! I checked myself how to update my address and did not have any of the problems experienced by my family member. Its NOT worth the stress! Go with a traditional bank for better ease in online banking because Account Now seems to make up their own guidelines as they go along.

Company: Account Now Prepaid Debit Card
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: PO BOX 1966, SAN RAFAEL, CA, 94583
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ACCOUNT NOW Prepaid svcs
Stay away from this card! - Prepaid Debit card

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I am getting emails from B of A or person's unknow about updating account information and wanting my account information, SSN and so on

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