Wamu Chase
Saying it will take 25 days for a Check I deposited to clear and I can't withdraw any funds!

Business & Finance

I had a business account with Wamu for over 3 years.

All of a sudden one person can't cash their check. I check on line, it's all fine, and she should be able to. Nope, can't. Ok later that day i try my atm card - my card is no valid.


I go the branch and they say that they closed down my account for account abuse - they never pointed out what that was.

So then I am told since the check was deposited only 2 days ago it would take 10 days to clear and then I can withdraw it to close out my account.
Ok I come back.
I am now told on June 2nd that I can't withdraw over $1200 until the 27th of June! WTF? It take 3 days now days for checks to either clear or not. A month I can't access the funds and open another account?
I am beyond pissed. Because while they are accepting deposits from the credit card company, they are not allowing any withdrawls.

They never said what account abuse is. I transfered money from one account to another to assure funds.
I am going back to get the money. To say that I can't have my money for a MOnth! Is insane!
Chase doesn't give a crap about customers. They got the money from the bank, they will be funded by the government regardless whether you are there or not.

I don't know what to do. I need access to pay for stuff sooner then a month.

Company: Wamu Chase
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 1300 Milwaukee Ave
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