A1 Member
We where rip off also Internet

Business & Finance

Just like everyone else, we where ripped off also. I would recommend shutting down your credit card to avoid more charges. Bank did dispute the charge for us but not very helpful at first. It is pointless to call 800 number. They will tell you that they have canceled your account but they did keep charging our account. Again, I would recommend shutting down the card that you have used.

Company: A1 Member
Country: Israel
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8662005473
Site: blazzingkeywords.com
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Unauthorized charges

Credit card fraud

WuYiTea, IW Living Lean
WuiTea Source/Living Lean Wu-Yi Tea wu-yi has a free trial and you only pay 6.95 for shipping well that is not true. They are charging me $29.95, $19.95, and Free Trial my A

Credit Card Fraud Unauthorized charges

Faudulent credit card charge, ripoff

Genix Lab / Slim Easy Pro
Did not receive any products but credit card was charge $88.97

Wont stop charging my bank account Illinois internet

Consumer Report

#ap9 Passporttofun
Ripped me off by unauthorized use of my credit card to obtain total of nearly $400

Unauthorized charges