Citizens Bank
More of the same crap at citizens. Moving dates to suit themselves, holding deposits, even cash, charging BS overdraft fees, on and on and on

Business & Finance

This is no different from the other rip off/scam reports about our good friends at Citizens Bank. They have had me dancing like a trained poodle for 9 days now. Seems the memorial day holiday provided an excellent opportunity to steal yet more money from honest hard working people.

They moved dates. They hold CASH deposits. They processed ALL debits and NO deposits yesterday (Tuesday, May 26). They conveniently "were not allowed" to retrieve the ATM transactions until 3:00 pm on the 26th. WHY??? So they could TRAP people into paying fees. ALSO they got me for 5 transactions when the computer showed only 3. They told me they would refund 3 of the 5; however, 9 days later it still hasn't happened. My "available balance" did not match my actual balance for several weeks with no transactions pending. 5 people gave me 5 different stories and the manager told me 3 different stories while I was standing there. When they bounced me they actually had 2300.00 cash on deposit that conveniently hadn't cleared yet!!!

I cannot list my actual balanced and the chain of events for you, because, quite frankly, it was more than my whittle head could handle. And when I finally, today (May 27th) went into the bank to talk to a manager, she wanted my overdraft letter and used a CALCULATOR to perform her fuzzy math and make me wrong. At this point I was told that the print out in my hand was no good and that I "could not go by my computer"!!!
Everything on this planet works in real time except inside the walls of Citizens Bank. Run. Don't walk!!!

Company: Citizens Bank
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Ford City
Address: 322 Ford Street
Phone: 8006566561
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U.S. Bank
Charged overdraft fees for transactions that occured when I had a positive balance, and held a cash deposit and manipulated debit transaction dates to charge more fees

Citizens Bank
Cleared pending items on my account and charged me fees for items that were actually cleared on the said day nationwide

Citizens Bank
LExcessive, unfair overdraft charges Ripoff

Am South
AmSouth Overdraft fees Charged For Pending Transactions ripoff

Bank Of America
Bank of America has their own answer to the bailout crisis. Take it out of our accts & call it overdraft fees

Huntington National Bank
Loves them nsf fees dont they! Ripoff

PNC Bank
PNC Bank charging NSF fees for paid items with a positive balance

Citizens Bank
Overdraft fees

US Bank
Unfair and Criminal Overdraft Fees, Ripping Off Customers

IBC-International Bank Of Commerce
Insufficient fund charges when fund were sufficient