Global Financial
Dirty SOB ripoff

Business & Finance

Heres to let you know call first american, I got my money back after a couple of calls. Be persistant and dont give up and file fraud charges againts both Global Financial And first American. Here's to all of you that worked for those sleazy company's, HA HA HA I got my money back for being a hard working, persistant,

Honest person unlike all of you who had to lie, cheat and steal to make a buck and last I heard you dont get legit pay for being a crook so in the end I guess you did get what you deserved NOTHING. So now I smile as I pay my bills knowing my money is there and I dont have to worry about not being able to pay rent. So all in all I am a little happier today. How was your day???

Company: Global Financial
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 2625 Piedmont Rd. Ste 310
Phone: 8664114466
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Global Financial
Ripped Off By. I may have an answer to getting back my money

Global Financial Group
Hired me to do Pay Pal tranfer payments and now Pay Pal is tring to collect money from me none of the payments were ligit

Global Financial

Global Financial
Ripoff fraud business NATIONWIDE

Global Financial
Ripoff i got my money back! Finally!

Global Financial CC First American
Global Financial CC or First American ripoff low down dirty con artists who steal innocent peoples hard earned money. I received nothing! They took over 250 dollars from my account

Global Financial

Global Financial
Ripoff fraud business

Global Financial
Ripoff fraud liars

Global Financial
RIP OFF consumer fraud ripoff consumer rip-off fraud corruption