Google Chest

Business & Finance

Yeah i check my bank account and also noticed the same charges and i called the number that was showing next to the charge and they said they were closed and to call back during there regular business hours. That money there was suppose to pay a couple of bills i still have out and if i go into the negatives because of them i will force their hand and make them pay my bank charges, which is $25.00 for every debit that goes through. This really pisses me off cause i don't know who they are or what its even for.

Company: Google Chest
Country: USA
State: Missouri
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Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulant charges on my check card visa/unauthorized charges, search goggle treasure chest see hundreds of the same charges

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Unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charge

Google Chest
GOOGLE CHEST Or OnlineMemberAreaSupport Deceptive Internet Scam involving unauthorized charges

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Work from home unaurthorized purchases

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges

Internet Logos
Debit card fraud

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulent charges

Google Chest