Google Treasure Chest

Business & Finance

I too was scammed with the charge of $72.21. When I called to complain I was told by Travis that on the website it states that "if you do not cancel you will charged a monthly membership fee." I told him that was a bunch of bull, because I'm reading hundreds of complaints from consumers about the same unauthorized charge. And obviously none of you guys read anything about a membership charge. This is how these guys are making there money off the $1.95 CD that is a also a bunch of nonsense. When I tried to call back and blast them some more they put on the after hours recording.

Company: Google Treasure Chest
Country: USA
State: New York
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Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charge

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charges

Rip off, bad installation, caused leak into the house, damaged carpet

Google Treasure Chest
Unathorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized & fraudulant charges

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulant charges on my check card visa/unauthorized charges, search goggle treasure chest see hundreds of the same charges

Google Treasure Chest, Blazingwords
Purchased and cancelled Google Treasure, Blazingwords fraudulently got my credit card from them and made unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charge

One Stop Motors - Robert Wilder
Ripoff, deception, lies, threats, bad business practices, shady, full of absolute shit