Our Banking accounts
Someone is trying to steal our ID

Business & Finance

Acquired e-mail today from;

"Lender of America" signals@lender of america.com

To: undisclosed-readers

Consideration alert

Your account was secured due to uncommon quantity of unacceptable login efforts in your consideration.

You have to confirm your info to uncover your consideration as well as for your protection.

You have to confirm your account identification.


Take Note:

If we do-no get the proper consideration confirmation within48 hours, thenwe may suppose this banking account is deceptive and you will be stopped.

The goal of this confirmation would be to make sure your banking account hasn't been fraudulently applied and also to fight the scam from our neighborhood.


I'll also consider this E-Mail to the Lender each morning

To allow them to be familiar with this PHISING SCAM EMAIL

Thank hey, Spiro & Mary Chelemedos

Company: Our Banking accounts
Country: USA
State: California
City: Benicia
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Xoom is not safe. Dont ever put your bank account info