Smile Deluxe
Cannot reach to cancel

Business & Finance

I'd required a totally free test of the item and after getting it can't obtain a your hands on organization to stop, they keep giving me the merchandise and getting out the cash from my bill. Everytime Ive attempted to contact it claims there shut despite the fact that its throughout the hours of procedure. They're getting the resources out-of my consideration that they aren't authorized to complete

Company: Smile Deluxe
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Davie
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Wei Products - Smile Brite / Dentech Whitening
Unauthorized Charges - Circuious Refund Policy

Smile Deluxe
Charged for another and they charged me $79.33

Advanced wellness/pure acai berry

Yahoo's MusicMatch Jukebox
Deluxe is not bought, it's LEASED ripoff

Lean Life PM
I'd to shut my account due to them

Smile Bright Teeth whitening
Credit Card Charges

Gleaming white smile
Gleaming White Smile Scam

Dazzle white and Smile Brite

United Cash Loans
Fraud and scam

Myacai Detox
Charging my bank account on product I did not approve