Google Treasure Chest

Business & Finance

I called google treasure chest—which is not even affiliated with google at all, to register with them to hopefully make some money on the internet which is what they purport. I did my due deligence in calling all the numbers they provide on the site. The problem is they told me they were registered with the BBB. I called the BBB and the company does not exist. I checked the Telephone number although the # works, the # works it is not registered either. I called and spoke with about 4 different reps all of whom refused to disclose the name of thier company, the company address, or the direct # to google treasure chest. They also refused me the right to talk to thier supposed supervisor to collect additional data. The only thing you have is a #, not a company name or anything else. If you give them your credit card # and something goes wrong you are in a big mess without a trace. I dont think they are registered because you need a business name to register a business. Any legitimate business has a telephone number, a business name, a manager or an owner or a supervisor. None of these exist with this company. They probably take your credit card information and sell it to others for profit. They hide thier identity so as to avoid any accountability to any agencies. Anyone wanting to join them must do thier due deligence (READ THE LINES AT THE BOTTOM OFTHE PAGE). They have all the attributes of fruad fraud fraud fraud written all over them.

Company: Google Treasure Chest
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Google Treasure Chest

GOOGLE TREASURE CHEST dba Grant Springs, Grant Finder, Powersale
Don't sign up for google treasure chest

Google Treasure Chest

I Plan Financial
Google Treasure Chest Credit Card Rip Off Internet

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charge

Money Tree
Illegal charge to my credit card

Google Treasure Chest
Scam, Rip off, cheats, liars, &%

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulant charges on my check card visa/unauthorized charges, search goggle treasure chest see hundreds of the same charges

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized charges on my credit card

Google Treasure Chest
Unathourized credit charge