ID Protection Services
I didn't ask for it

Business & Finance

I needed a cash advance. I didnt get why did they remove it of my bill.

Company: ID Protection Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Naples
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Last Chance Cash Advance
Last chance cash advance sent me an approval for 500 dollar advance then took 31 dollars out of my account for theft protection

Last Chance Cash Advance / id Theft Protection
Last chance cash advance / id theft protection

ID THEFT PROTECTION. Last Chance Cash Advance
ID THEFT PROTECTION, Last Chance Cash Advance

Last Chance Cash Advance - ID Theft Protection

Last Chance Cash Advance / Identity Theft Protection
Last Chance Cash Advance / Identity Theft Protection Billed me for a service I never signed up for and refuse to give me my money back

Last Chance Cash Advance And ID Theft Protection
A huge scam

Last Chance Cash Advance
This cash advance company took unauthorized debits from my account only internet

Identity Theft Protection/ID Theft Protection/Last Chance Cash Advance/
Identity Theft Protection/ID Theft Protection/Last Chance Cash Advance/ Last chance cash advance is a scam for Identity Theft Protection which is in the underlying writing. BEWARE! Nationwide

Last Chance Cash Advance, Trifecta Identity Theft Protection, AKA Trifecta Card
Last Chance Cash Advance, Trifecta Identity Theft Protection, Trifecta Card I was Ripped-off Twice Los Angeles California

Last Chance Cash Advance - ID Protection Services
Beware of this company: they rip off people that are in need of help already