Sears Gold Mastercard
Offered 20% refund on any amount paid over minimum payment

Business & Finance

Sears Gold Mastercard is offering 20%, (up to $550.00), for all amounts paid that are over the minimum payment due. The program states, "we'll match 20% of the amount by which your on-time payments exceed total minimum due". Mentions nothing about doubling your interest rates and even claims, "This is an easy-money saving program for you".

We have "never" missed a payment or been late even one time since 2002 when we opened our account. We had a 12.83 APR until we signed up for their 20% savings program two weeks ago. Just received our statement and the interest rate on our account almost doubled from 12.83 to 23.24%.

Called Sears Customer service who gave me the run around for an hour while they transferred my call from one section to another. Eventually we were transferred to a section for distressed accounts. Tried to explain to the representative our account is not in default but part of the program we signed up for closes the account to purchases during the 4 month duration of the program we signed up for.

It is now clear when they close our account it looks like you are in default, (therefore you are now considered distressed), with all previous interest programs now void. This opens the door for them to charge whatever interest rate they decide at anytime. Next month, they could raise it to 30% without any notification whatsoever.

With no legal experience it appears to me this program is not only false advertising but a form of predatory lending practice as well. There needs to be regulatory action taken, "immediately", to control the predatory practices credit card companies now consider normal operating procedures.

Company: Sears Gold Mastercard
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: P.O. Box 183082
Phone: 8006698488
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