Commercial Lending Capital
Broker scammed clients

Business & Finance

Commercial Lending Capital is a joke! They scam my clients and other's broker's customer's they are not ethical. They have never funded any loans with their own fund's. 7 Client's been scammed by this fraudulent Company. They need to be shut down immediately. CLC misleads clients with bogus Loc's and once they get the money that is when the drama begin's.

They drag you on and on for days, week's and months w/bogus this & Bogus that lie after lie. Do not trust this Company. Commercial Lending Capital is an arrogant, deceiving and treacherous company. My clients are filing a lawsuit against these people. They are nothing but brokers who pretend they are player's in the financing industry. If CLC get's $10-20k per loan and get 10-20 deal's a month x 20k that is a good living 200k monthly $2.4 million annually hmmmm cover's therte overhead,
sound's suspicious to me. Watch these guy's. We have sent word out to be on Red Alert Commercial Lending Capital day's are numbered!!!

They are Bogus!!! They are a Joke!!!

Company: Commercial Lending Capital
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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Commercial Lending Capital Broke

Commercial Lending Capital Broker
Commercial Lending Capital is a joke

Commercial Lending

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Commercial Lending Capital
Do not give these people anymore money

Commercial Lending Capital Inc., Clcnationwide, Clc
Commercial Lending Capital Inc., Clc nationwide, Clc Commercial Lending Capital Inc is running a scam lending business, BE AWARE!

Commercial Lending Capital
What everyone should know about Commercial Lending Capital

Commercial Lending Capital Inc., Clcnationwide, Clc
Commercial lender that steals deposits, beware, have stolen over 20 deposits from clients in my network that i know of, no performance

Commercial Lending Capital Inc
Total Scam Collected an advance fee of $7,300.00 For contract #446041 Dated 10/28

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