Ocwen Loan Services
Raised Interest Rate - Can never talk to anyone

Business & Finance

After looking into refinancing and not wanting to incur closing costs etc I had decided to stay with Ocwen for the time being. I too have not been able to get help when I need it and when I do get someone on the phone it routes to India.

In looking at my current monthly statement my interest rate has gone from 7.49 to 7.74 with no notice. I signed a fixed rate loan with Fidelity who has since gone bankrupt.

I am scared reading these reports and it's even worse when there is no place to turn for help or advice. I am going to try to get Ocwen to lower my intrest rate to what I qualified for with another company - but after reading what everyone is going through I don't have high hopes.

I think Ocwen is a terrible company - they seem sneaky and don't offer helpful alternatives for people who need them.

Company: Ocwen Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Phone: 8007462936
Site: www.ocwen.com
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