EZ Saver
Charging cridet card

Business & Finance

I'd a phone from the child middle, I can not remember the title they stated they'll deliver a membership and strike of material used to donot get any factor then I then found out they're getting me for nothing from esz savers, I'd like my money-back, it's type of fraud.

Company: EZ Saver
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
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Easy Saver, Easy Saver
Unathorized Charges

Easy Saver
I am charged 14.95 a month by Easy Saver. I do not know how they received my account information. I do not remember ever signing up for Easy Saver

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charge by Easy Save

Oriental Trading/Easy Saver
Unauthorized Subscription

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charge

American Leisure / EZ Saver
Ripped Off Again!

Pro Flowers
Fraud and cheating

Cherry Moon Farms - Easy Saver
Cherrymoon Farms - Easy Saver lead me to believe I was simply signing up to deliver my Dad a fruit basket. When actually you are giving your bank acount information to a place called EASY SAVER, which starts taking $ from your account

Easy Saver
Ripoff, scams, fraud, liars!

Easy Saver / Proflowers
Unauthorized Charges