Shopping Essentials
Passporttofun -shopperdiscount -vistaprint -homesavingsma74509 I ordered one time from vistaprint for business cards, and they sold my debit card to all these companies, and they all havebeen taking money from me. This needs to stop NOW

Business & Finance

I am a victim of fraud from massachusetts to conneticut. I purchased one time to vistaprint and they sold my card out to all these people without my consent. Now my bank account hasbeen closed and is under investigation. Please be aware of all of all these scammers out there, and never give your credit or debit card out to anyone on the internet. This needs to stop and these people need to be closed down. With the way the economy is, it's hard enough to save the money, but when people like them take it all away from you it makes even all the more harder. Will someone please put an end to these so called people. PLEASE?

marlboro, Massachusetts

Company: Shopping Essentials
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Marlboro
Address: 33 Baldwin Ave
Phone: 8775810181
  <     >  


Vista Print, Usa, sold my debit card information to affiliates of theirs

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Puts Unauthorized Charges On Your Credit Card ripoff

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Ripoff VistaPrint and Shopping Essentials team up to rip you off!

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