Tele Check
Control of my hard earned money

Business & Finance

This has happened more than one time in the last couple of years. A check denied by telecheck. The only explanation is code 3, you need to call. They tell you no negative information on your account, just that they have the right to deny your check when they see fit. Most common response from them is you don't conform to there guidelines.

So, I ask, how do I conform to your computer generated guideline of the moment? And, the second question was what are the guidelines you wish me to conform to? Its so ironic that I am not allowed to write a check that initally would have cost me nothing, because of a computer guideline, but, can turn around and use my debit card from the same checking account to pay for my purchases.

Now the transaction has cost me a service fee at my bank for the debit purchase because I couldn't use the credit feature of the card because of the store policy. I called telecheck, and got the basic form read response from the zombie I had trouble understanding. After my conversation with them I doubt that they will ever let me present a check at any of their merchants again.

I told them they had to much effin control over my how I choose to spend and present my choice of payment. So, I have decided that if I see a telecheck sign on a merchants door, they are no longer good enough to get my money since they have decided to become little brother to BIG BROTHER!!!

Company: Tele Check
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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Tele Check
Fraudulent charges

My checks declined for no reason Does Not Appea

Telecheck Check Writing Services
Rip-off victimized many consumers Houston

Declines for "insufficient history" with telecheck merchants

TeleCheck Services, Inc
First Data TeleCheck monitoring my check writing after account was cleared! Internet

Denied By Telecheck For Code 3 No Reason Denied check payment for single new tire at American Tire Depot, just abter I had made a deposit to my checking account during banking hours

Denied check

AKA First Data Check denied for absolutely no reason Houston, Texas Nationwide

Telecheck Services - A First Data Company
Mark Wallin General Manager denying a check, based on an analyzing information on a statistical basis whether a check may or may not be good and not using positive facts on a denial of a check to a merchant

Telecheck says I should be able to write check but system refuses me each time?