Pwc M&A - Pmc Mergers And Aquisitions
Rip off and rip off

Business & Finance

Prifit wisdom has been changed PMC MERGERS AND AQUISITIONS. But the way of their doing business is the same, which is stealing other people's money.

Federal court judged that the Maldonado brother pay back $ 100,000 puls interst to John Kim several month ago. But they already closed Escrow account. Of couse they have not returned my money.

Sam Maldonado called me early February and told me that they return my money. I asked when? Within 2 weeks. Then end of February Julio called me and told me about payment plan. I asked what?

I asked him to contact my lawyer, if you have a plan, send me email how you will pay back my money. He said yes
March 3rd Julio called me and told me that he will pay $ 500 or $ 1,000 or more by weekly or monthly..
I think this Maldonado brother is natural born con frick and lier.

It seems to me that they need some more time to collect more deposit money. It is sad for me not to help another lame of sacrificed. I have contacted police, FBI and politicians but all they say is a voice answering machine, which is finding a goooooood lawyer.

They may be interested in 8 billion of con artist, not in this tiny rat brothers. I will jump on a civil trial, it cost money as well as time but i have to do it. For justics? Sounds silly but yes.

Frankly speaking, i do not give a damn about my $ 100,000 right now, i wish that i push them into where they belong to, jail They make a living through other peoples' pain, they are mosquitos in human society. They are proud of themself as a clever through cheating people's confided mind, they are a roach to transmit negative germs in this world They must be in prison to stop their criminal act and give them a chance to think about how to live a valuable life.

Company: Pwc M&A - Pmc Mergers And Aquisitions
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 242 W. 30th St Suite 300
Phone: 2122448163
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