Letter number two, OO but now for $20. I get $1,250, 000.000. Hay i tell you what take my $20. Out of the 1.2 million

Business & Finance

Letter number two. On the same day. But two different letters and two different amounts and two different company's and addresses. So i send $20. To to different company's and i will get a grand total amount of $2,650, 000.00. Thats sad thes pepol nead hellp. Like the kind you find behind razerwhier and a 20 foot wall. Maby even men in white and paded walls.

Company: N.P.R.C
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Levittown
Address: P.O. Box 9002
  <     >  


The Reporting Center, reports Division Prize Review Office, confirmed Prize Payment Data
Company sent letter stating I won a substantial amount of money. 7 letters total, all different amounts on winnings and what I needed to send to them

This company sent me a number of letters claiming that I had won millions, but I had to send them $20

SL Marketing

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Senate house of nigeria
Consumer Report

Euro Million Loteria ESPANOL
Ripoff - lottery winnings same format different names and addresses this is a fraud Nationwide

White Wolf Publishing Inc
U.S. Homeland Registry, You have won a million dollars in the U.S. Homeland Draw

Us Sweepstakes Advisors
Ripoff scamm!

Publishers Clearing House - Utopia Pharmacy
I was told I won second place One Million dollars, I received a check for $5890.00

Registered Disbursement Division
Consumer Report