Biotab pharmaceuticals
Improper chare to credit card

Business & Finance

I created a purchase of 97 dollars to test alteril sleepaid to get a week to determine easily loved it however in 2 times, they charged my bill 36.90.

Company: Biotab pharmaceuticals
Country: USA
State: California
City: Monrovia
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Biotab Nutriceuticals/Alteril
They don't answer phone/website non working

BioTab Nutriceuticals Inc., Alteril
BioTab, Alteril, BioTab Nutriceuticals Inc will take your money!

I been waiting for a refund for Biotab for 2 and 1/2 months

Biotab Nutriceuticals
Charge my credit card without permission


Biotab Neutriceuticals, Inc

Alteril... Biotab Nutriceuticals
Alteril... Biotab Nutriceuticals Charges card and never issues refund for returned product

Biotab Neutricuticals

Biotab Neutriceuticals
Was offered free alteril for a postage stamp and I hav been charged $36.90 every month Icall and they dont answer the phone

Biotab Nutriceuticals Inc
Alteril sleep aide only 97 cents but only with credit card and they keep shipping and billing my credit card