Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
They Don't Care

Business & Finance

In March I'd telephoned Wells Fargo about my mortgage repayments since I foresaw a issue happening within the weeks in the future. I attempted to obtain my mortgage altered in which to stay excellent position with my funds and all-they desired to do was make me accept a "Guarantee to Pay For Plan", essentially declaring that I guaranteed to pay for them easily dropped behind on any month (s). Additionally they called me to credit counseling, when my scenario had nothing related to credit counseling, but much more using the method they economy was heading. Company is sluggish, specifically for me, I'm a vehicle driver and company continues to be terrible, I primarily provide building content, for example sheetrock, roofing tiles, etc. And because the economy is really poor, no body is purchasing houses, meaning no body is creating, meaning I'm virtually out-of employment. Ideally Wells Fargo may awaken and have a look around at what is really happening on the planet today...

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Orefield
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