Prefered Merchants Catolog / NACS
Prefered Merchants Catalog NACS frauds liars and rude rip off scam con artists St Petersburg

Business & Finance

Yesterday i got a call from this company. Sounded like a dream come true. I am only 19 and have no credit and my husband (married only a short time) has a small debt. So naturally we can't get any credit.
After giving them all my important information such as bank numbers and ssn, they started to tell me more about the card.

Thankfully I was never decieved into believing that this would be a mastercard or visa. I found out that it was a card that could only be used through these catalogs. And when they said $200 would come out of my account and that i would be repayed, I was led to believe that I would be able to take it to my bank and redeposit it back.

When it became clear that this was not something i wanted to do I stopped it immeadiatly.

I said "No. If this is legitimate sounding than you can wait until my husband comes home and we will discuss this and then you can speak with him." The man on the phone, who suddenly becomes very rude, tells me that there is no way that I will get credit without this card and that what does it matter if my husband approves or not, if we dont' want it once we get the information all we have to do is simply call and cancel.

To make a long story short I am scared to death that even though i insisted on cancelling the card right there and then that they will take my information and empty out our accounts. Is there anyone who can tell me if this has happened to them because I have called our bank and they only answer they have is to close our accounts. Please e-mail me. My address is

Company: Prefered Merchants Catolog / NACS
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St Petersburt
Address: P.O Box 41127 Zip 33743
Phone: 7273844267
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