Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Predatory, manipulative, dishonest, masters of illusion, elusive, relentless, unforgiving, inept, unscrupulous (just like evil, they are omnipresent) this insodent occured in St

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo is a well entrenched corporate evil that feeds on the wrecked lives of it's victims.

After the turn of events post 9/11 my family endured a down sizing of our life stile as i was laid-off from work and we ended up filing for Bankruptcy.in the rearrangement of finances i did keep the house as we had sold our old home and downsized to a home we could afford on my new - reduced wages. The payments were well within reach in our budget.

Soon Wells Fargo was contacting us implying that we were late on our payments.

I had the receipts for the checks sent in, no problem. After the 3rd time sending them in (by now we are into the second month, delinquency fees accruing and being tacked on) I contacted our VA representative. The rep tried to work this out with Wells Fargo to no avail. Later the first VA rep was rotated out and off the case, (i don't know why, we were fully compliant). The second VA rep wanted nothing to do with this case. He made that more than clear in his communications to us. All the while we were still making our payments in full as assigned by the monthly bill. It was an excessive amount based only on the erroneous notion that we were delinquent in our payments. This served to bleed what little savings we had to nothing very quickly.

Months went by, with constant communications in trying to make arrangements to bring the account current. Each time a deal was struck Wells Fargo would clame they never received required paperwork, or something was not in order. Finally things got so far out of hand we decided to sell the property, cut our losses and run screaming the opposite direction from Wells Fargo. We contacted an investment buyer who had cash in hand at a full price offer. Wells Fargo Sabotaged the deal no less than three times by loosing paperwork, missing deadlines and claiming ignorance to details.

This went on, back and forth for over a year. The proverbial straw that broke the camels back was the contemptuous deceit the company pulled on December 24th of 2004. A get well plan had been extended to bring the loan current. A loan modification with a lump sum payment from us, was to make it all better. It had to be a money order, in full at their office back East by opening time three days from this date. We made it. Certified letter, received on time, in full. We were notified Dec 24th by phone that the company would not be accepting the amount remitted as payment in initiation of this plan as with review they felt i could afford to pay more on the payments than this plan accounted for. Further requests to re-initialize the loan modification were flat denied. The lump sum amount remitted was to be applied to the remaining delinquent amount and we were still in arrears.

We stopped throwing good money after bad and settled on the fact that we had been taken to the cleaners by corporate America. The house went to foreclosure and we departed used and abused. They had no intent of ever allowing this loan to come current. That was obvious in there actions. Good news is they lost there ass at auction. The place sold for MUCH less than they had it appraised at for the purposes of the loan, and MUCH less than the full price offer our investment buyer offered them. I'm sure they wrote the loss off at tax time and shared the burden of the actual loss with the American Tax Payer via reimbursement from the VA.

My best advise with reference to Wells Fargo — RUN — Don't look back lest you'l be turned into a piller of salt.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Camano Island
Address: 2650 WELLS FARGO WAY MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, 55408 U. S. A
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