ENT*ENTERTAINMNTREWRDS 866-364-1333 MI Entertainment Rewards, Ticketmaster
$400 unauthorized charge to a company I've never dealt with

Business & Finance

I was checking my account information today to figure out where I was at, pay bills and whatnot, and I noticed a $400 transaction on the second of January that I knew nothing about.

After thinking for awhile as to what it could be and drawing blanks, I typed "ENTERTAINMNTREWRDS " into google and found what others have been running into.

Much like similar instances of of this issue, I did indeed order from ticketmaster on the second of December for a concert, coming to a total of $132.91. However, unlike any other reports I've read, I've been charged $400 instead of the $9 that others have been charged, exactly one month later from Entertainment Rewards.

This is pathetic and wrong. While it is reassuring to know I have a reference to prove this a scam and get my money back, it's unnerving to find that I seem to be the only person to recieve a $400 charge.

I'm 19 years old and trying to pay for college. I can't pay my bills if my money is being stolen from a company I've never done business with. This is absolutely ridiculous.

New Richmond, Wisconsin

Company: ENT*ENTERTAINMNTREWRDS 866-364-1333 MI Entertainment Rewards, Ticketmaster
Country: USA
Site: www.entertainmentrewards.com
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Entertainment Rewards
Ticketmaster - ENT-ENTERTAINMNTREWRDS as shown on credit card tired to Ticketmaster as a third party they are given your information from ticketmaste

Entertainment Rewards -Ticketmaster
Entertainment Rewards And Ticketmaster Automatic sign-up with Entertainment Rewards through Ticketmaster. Ripoff Internet

Entertainment Rewards
Ticketmaster is a huge scam! Internet

Entertainment Rewards
Ripoff Fraudulent charges unauthorized charges dishonesty in signing up

Entertainment Rewards
Unauthorized charges to my account

Entertainment Rewards - ticketmaster.com
Total ripoff

Entertainment Rewards
TicketMaster I purchased tickets through Ticketmaster and had this charge for $9.00 on my account a month later. Ripoff

Entertainment Rewards
Fraud and stealing!

Entertainment Rewards - Ticketmaster
Entertainmentrewards - Ticketmaster ripoff scam, 9.00 charge on my account get your refund for entertainment

Entertainment Rewards
Ticketmaster sold my credit card to Entertainment Rewards so they could charge me $9.00 a month for nothing! Saint Paul Minnesota