Central Coast Nutra
Unauthorized billing

Business & Finance

This company offers a trial offer of both ACAIPURE and COLOPURE for S&H costs. Once they get your credit card number, they ship you a shipment (which should last a month) at least every two weeks and bill your credit card for the product and shipping. One cannot reach them by phone due to the 'excess interest in their product' and expect a waiting period 'of seventy-five minutes' according to their message.

However after about twenty minutes you lose the phone connection that you had while waiting. Thus, the only alternative is for one to press their credit card company to withhold any future billings from this company. It may even be required that one cancel their credit card in order to get out from under this multiple billings and shipments that one would like to have canceled.

Company: Central Coast Nutra
Country: USA
Site: centralcoastnutra.net
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Central Coast Nutra... ACAIPURE
Cannot reach company by phone to cancel a "trial offer" thus unlimited billing

ColoPure - AcaiPure
Responded ad 4 a month's supply: ColoPure & AcaiPure 4 shipping cost-$5.95 & $4.95 respectively. Surprise... Credit card billed $45.95 & $44.95 respectively

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Unauthorized charges

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Offered free trial for acaipure and colopure then charged my credit card for auto ship

Central Coast Nutraceuticals

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Order a free trail offer and pay for shipping only. When I received my product they charged my credit card for other products I did not order. Phoenix Arizona

Central Coast Nutra

Central Coast Neutraceuticals
Cancellation of order - Colotox, AcaiPure Lifestyle program

Central Coast Nutraceaticals, Inc
AcaipureAcaipure Or Acaiberry Order trial size for $4.95 billed me $44.85

Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Unauthorized charges