Under security identity services debited my bank account for #31.85 without my authorization

Business & Finance

Debited my account for $31.85 without authorization using security identity services as their business name irma. El paso, texas

Company: Icardservices.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft Lauderdale
Phone: 9155396012
Site: procustserv.com
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I Card Services
Auto debit of my checking account for identity theft - I did not request the services and no one ever answers the customer service number

Unauthorized ACH Withdraw From Checking Acct Ohio

Icardservices.com Or Security Identity Services
Stole 31.85 from my bank account

Secure Identity Services
Last Chance PayDay Loans They debited my account for $31.85 and overdrew my account for more than $400!

Comidthecs debited my checking account for $31.98 without my authorization for identity theft protection Idthecs Internet

Identity Theft—icardservices.com - Idtheftrefund.com
Idtheftrefund.com Identity Theft—idtheftrefundstatus.com debited $31.98 from my account without my permission Internet

Edp Reporting.com
This compny illegally debited my checking account for $99.00 and overdrew my bank account Internet

WTS E Ticket
800-717-7476 This company debited my account twice for $39.97 without my authorization

Bank fraud and identity theft

First Plus Platinum Credit Services
Wrongful debit