Metro Lending Group

Business & Finance

I recieved a phone call on 12/01 from Michael Webb at Metro Lending ststing I was approved for a $5000 loan. I had several questions which he answered easily. He stated that due to my past credit situation this would be a secured loan and I would need to send $930.00 to secure my loan. I was very leery and told him I woiuld have to think about it. He was very polite and gave me the company web site to help answer any questions I might have. I went on line and everything seemed legit. I called Michael Webb 2 days later with more questions. He was very friendly and explained that the money I was sending would also be my payments for the first 8 months. I questioned him multiple times about this being some sort of scam because I would have to borrow money from my parents to cover the amount I was sending. He assured ne that once I has sent my deposit the $5000 would be in my account within 1 business day. On Friday 12/12 I sent $930.00 via money gram as instructed to Nicole Ferguson. I called MIchael Webb, as instructed, once this was done, he then congratulated me on my new loan and stated my money would be there by 5:00 pm 12/15 and my loan papers were being sent out that day. I was extremely nervous all weekend. I checked my bank account every hour on Monday and found that no money had been recieved. When I left work I found a message on my cell phone from James Hogan, account supervisor, that there was a problem with my loan and I needed to send more money. I immediately called this James person and was informed that my account had been re processed and I would need to send an additional $930. I became very irrate with this man and demanded my money back. He was horrible to deal with but finally stated my money would be refunded on 01/02. I argued that this was a scam and demanded ny money back immediately. He refused to tell me the name of the lender when I asked and hung up on me. I called 2 more times that evening and argued even more with him, all to no avail. I threatened to call the better business bureau and the attorney general and he just laughed. Well today is 01/01 and there has been no money refunded to me. I attempted to call the company and found that the number was no longer a working number, the fax number has been disconnected and the website no longer exists. I spoke with the people at money gram, they are unable to do anything other then file a compaint of fraud. They suggested I contact my local police a file a report and retry contacting the attorney general of New Jersey. I have done all of this today. Each place was sympathetic but informed me not hold on to any hope of ever seeing my money again. Unfortunately this doesn't help me. And to make matters worse my sister is going through the same thing because I reccommended she call this compaby for a loan too. I hope they can some how be caught and made to refund all the money they have scammed.

Company: Metro Lending Group
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Wayne
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