Total Cleanse
Unauthorized cost

Business & Finance

I registered to get the "free" test of Total Clean. I had been conscious of the $5.95 shipping cost. The delivery charge was debited from my bill on 10/27/08. On 11/12.08 I had been billed $78.84. Another test was subsequently delivered to my house. I subsequently named the amount on my bill: 866-320-0038 to stop the following purchase. Upon calling the Sum Total Clean answering machine acquired to recommend of the hours of procedure. I put my phone within these hours twice and may not obtain a person about the point.

Our problem is the fact that I'll be billed another $78.84 to get a merchandise that I no further need.

Company: Total Cleanse
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Fraudulent charges

Total Cleanse/Extreme Acai Berry
Unauthorized Withrawl

Top body cleanse
Top body cleanse

Easy Body Detox
Unauthorized payment

Total Cleanse
Eliminating Auto-Delivery

Total Cleanse
Please stop billing me!


Acai Berry Detox
Refusal to return upon termination

They statement you instantly for that $1 plus shipping

I W Living Lean
Unauthorized charges!